If you either have, want to buy, or know someone to partner with who has land, you are welcome to be part of the Vital Pyramid Network.
Point to us the exact address using google earth where you want to build your Village and the type of ground. Then, with the support of the professional team of Piramicasa, we will make sure the land is suitable to build pyramids.
English and Spanish subtitles available in video settings.
Let us know or get in direct contact with the Village in the Network where you want to build your Pyramid. Then, with the support of the professional team of Piramicasa, we will assist in its construction from beginning to end.
You can buy a pyramid in any village of the Vital Pyramid Network, regardless of where you live.
English and Spanish subtitles available in video settings.
Scenario A
You buy a pyramid to live in it.
In this scenario, you'll live under that particular village's laws based on honesty, common sense, and constructive collaboration.
Scenario B
You buy a pyramid to rent and generate income for life.
In this scenario, you'll get into a maintenance agreement with that particular village's administration.
This is a great scenario if you want to keep your funds out of the banks.
Scenario C
You want to transfer your pyramid to a different village or to your own land.
The pyramids used in the Vital Pyramid Network can be considered prefabricated since they can be unassembled and transported easily.